Irving Carpet Repair – Seam Repair

Sarah just moved into a new apartment and noticed that her upstairs hallway had a problem with the carpet so we headed out to help her with her Irving seam repair. It was a Berber and you know how those can be. The previous renter had obviously pulled a snag and it...

Frisco Carpet Repair – Pet Damage

Natalie called us out to do something about her Frisco carpet repair. She has a dog that’s a bit hyper and expressed herself on the carpet transition. Your pet will always chew at the place where they can get the easiest grip on the carpet which just happens to...

Dallas Carpet Repair – Berber Pet Damage

Debbie called us here at DCR to help out with her Berber pet damage. She told us that she had just installed this new Berber in preparation for selling her home when her son came over with a puppy. Hmmm, new carpet and puppies. Not a good match. She showed me the...

Dallas Carpet Repair – Bleach Stains

James called us over to deal with his Dallas bleach stains. He was attempting to clean up some wine that he dripped on the carpet and thought that a popular stain remover would do the trick. Oops! Always, always test such products on a hidden section of carpet before...

Rowlett Carpet Repair – Epoxy Drippings

Teresa’s husband thought he could use his bedroom for a work shop and didn’t realize that epoxy he was using was dripping to the carpet. There was actually4 of these drippings and they were solid as a rock. No amount of cleaning would’ve fixed this....