Recent Repair Jobs

Stain Removal
Here is an example of a permanent section (patch) done for a client in Richardson, TX. At Dallas Carpet Repair & Cleaning we have several cleaning options that many standard carpet cleaners to not have. And when those fail, and sometimes they do, we can physically...

Pyramids Hotel Pet Damage
DCR was called out to help with a Hotel that has an unruly pet do some damage to their patterned carpet. Now I don't like to brag but this is our specialty. Many carpet professionals would walk away from this type of damage but not Dallas Carpet Repair. We consider it...

Bookshelf Removal
Have you ever removed a significant piece of built in furniture and wondered what you're going to do about the huge carpet-less spot it left behind? This is one of those times that you wished that you kept the leftover carpet from your original install. In this case...

Common Pet Damage
Today's repair is one of the most common types of pet damage that we see. Both dogs and cats will dig and it's most often at some kind of entryway. In this case it was at the back sliding door. Most homeowners panic when they see what their pet has done because they...

Oops! I painted my carpet
Yep! Another painted carpet. We ran out to Carrolton today to help a gal that somehow sprayed her her carpet black. She was sure it was ruined but I put her mind at rest and went to work. Paint is gone, client is happy and we have another opportunity to show you what...

Wool Carpet Repair
While training Wes to take over our West side carpet repair efforts we stopped by to see Pat. She recently had some new shelving installed in her closet and she was left with some damage on her patterned wool carpet. For many home owners this spells disaster but we...

Paint Stained Carpet
It's been a week of permanent stains. This time it was paint. The homeowner was moving out and now this nasty paint stain was a problem with perspective buyers. No worries. We showed up and made that stain disappear. This was a permanent stain that cleaning would not...

Bleach Stained Carpet
We received a troubled phone call from a woman the other day. It seems that her maid service dripped bleach on her carpet and they were discussing the costs of having that maid replace the ROOM full of carpet. Wait a minute!!! "You don't need to replace the entire...

McKinney Blood Stain
Ewe! When you get called out to assist with blood stains you never know what you're going to see. In this case it was a huge stain right in the middle of the bedroom. It almost looked like a crime scene but it wasn't. Just a very unfortunate mishap. We were up to the...

Carpet Ripples
Ripples, ripples, ripples! They are everywhere. I can't tell you how many times that I walk into a home to deal with a tear or something and I see the ripples. The client didn't even think to call me for those. Sometimes I wonder if most people think that they just...