Dallas Carpet Repair – Berber Repair

Cynthia called us to help her with her Berber carpet repair. When I arrived she introduced me to her two little dogs. One of which was a Chihuahua about as big as a mouse. I was terrified to walk around. I kept thinking I was step on him and squish him right in front...

Dallas Carpet Repair – Re-installation

Toby called us out to help him with his carpet re-installation. He pulled up his existing carpet so he could lay down some tile entry landings and needed help putting his carpet back in. You see, Dallas Carpet Repair isn’t just for repairing your carpet. We can...

Wylie Carpet Repair – Berber Snag

We were called out to help with a little Wylie carpet repair today. Lisa had a pretty nasty Berber snag and she was very concerned that a repair might be the answer. She thought it might only make it worse. I understand that because she knows that a Berber can snag...

Irving Carpet Repair – Seam Repair

Sarah just moved into a new apartment and noticed that her upstairs hallway had a problem with the carpet so we headed out to help her with her Irving seam repair. It was a Berber and you know how those can be. The previous renter had obviously pulled a snag and it...

Frisco Carpet Repair – Pet Damage

Natalie called us out to do something about her Frisco carpet repair. She has a dog that’s a bit hyper and expressed herself on the carpet transition. Your pet will always chew at the place where they can get the easiest grip on the carpet which just happens to...

Dallas Carpet Repair – Berber Pet Damage

Debbie called us here at DCR to help out with her Berber pet damage. She told us that she had just installed this new Berber in preparation for selling her home when her son came over with a puppy. Hmmm, new carpet and puppies. Not a good match. She showed me the...